Dr. Farokhzad is awarded the 2013 RUSNANOPRIZE for developing nanoparticle technologies for medical applications

Dr. Farokhzad is awarded the 2013 RUSNANOPRIZE for developing nanoparticle technologies for medical applications

Omid Farokhzad and Robert Langer were jointly awarded this year’s RUSNANOPRIZE for their work on clinically translatable nanomedicines. The prize is awarded to researchers and scientists who have produced outstanding scientific or technological discoveries in the field of nanotechnology, and to the company involved in industrializing these technologies for product development and human impact. The prize is 3 million rubles ($94 000) and has been awarded since 2009 to 8 laureates who have laid the foundations for new nanotechnologies, and is one of the largest nanotechnology prizes worldwide.
[Read more from Rusnano]

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